Academic Notice for Mid-term Examination BBA 4th Semester (2017-18)

Academic Notice for Mid-term Examination BBA 4th Semester (2017-18)



Academic Notice for Mid-term Examination

BBA 4th  Semester (2017-18)

This is to inform all the students of 4th Semester ,Session: 2017-18  that, the Mid-term Exam. of BBA 4th   Semester, Session: 2017-18 will held according to the following  schedule date. Attainment in the examination is a must otherwise you will not be allowed to do form fill-up for NU Final Examination & penalized TK 200 for each absence. Final In-course Number will be determined based on your Mid-term performance. You are instructed to collect detailed exam routines which are available on the notice board, Web-site (, Facebook ( also in the Library. You are advised to contact with guide teacher or department (Course Coordinator) for any type of queries.

             “Without admit card you are not allowed to sit for exam.”


Notes:  (a) You must have to collect admit card from your guide teacher before or as on 23.01.2020 by completing all the academic and the financial obligation.

                     (b) Classes will be suspended from 23rd January, 2020 & resume on 7th  February, 2020.


Coordinator                                                                         (Golam Mustofa Chowdhury)

Department of Business Administration                                                    Head

Department of Business Administration



Copy to:

  1. Guide & Course Teacher, 2. Accounts, 3. Administration, 4. Notice Board, 5. Library


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